Final thoughts on the WBNY [manufactured] Controversy

I’m known in a lot of circles, and I have a lot of hobbies. Pirate Radio is just one.

Some of you are long-familiar with the FRN and already know of the hijinks of the Poster/Sockpuppet and pseudoblogger known as Pat Murphy/J. Michael Graves, and probably numerous other nyms. I too have been watching his vitriol for years in the churning saga that has, at least in recent memory, been the Free Radio Network.

I’ve been a shortwave hobbiest since my late teens, I’m well over 40 now. Only in recent years did I start getting serious about logging, so “Pat” thinks I’m a newcomer, and that’s just fine with me.

I am a relatively rare female interested in the hobby, but there have been others before me. I don’t feel there’s anything special about being a female in the hobby, it just happens to intrigue me, and I enjoy its technical aspects.

I’ve never actually been much into soap operas, myself, so it’s pretty funny to get pulled into one. Much less be attributed with the powers of actually “killing” an entire hobby, but uh, Whatever, Pat.

Anyway, for those of you that don’t monitor the scene, and are still in any way concerned for my safety, don’t be — this fella is all whine and no bite.

He’s a narcissist with a newish dead horse to beat, and his contribution to pirate radio is something on par with creating spectacle and pageviews for the FRN, and attracting the macabre curiosity that trainwrecks usually draw.

He’s an old dinosaur of the talk radio circuit of his day, and somehow embittered by his own lack of commercial success, that his other 70’s and 80’s Talk Radio contemporaries went on to enjoy. Ergo, he likes to proclaim himself a Big Fish in the small pond of shortwave pirate radio.

It’s cool, he’s like a little Rush Limbaugh in a Bunny Suit, and it’s insanely original. Kudos!

Elsewhere, I’ve had plenty of supportive comments from folks sincerely involved in the scene, and that’s enough for me to keep enjoying the shows, the ops, the creativity of the scene.  I’ve watched this bunny fella target excessively numerous and sundry other dissenters over the years, so I’m just one of many. Like many media types that lose their creativity, he’s settled for the old trope of manufactured controversy.

I don’t take it personally, but I wanted to assure the concerned parties of my social scene, and the healthier more positive listening community that I’m fine, and undeterred. The scornful psychosis of a certain cabal within the scene won’t cause me to shy away.

For me to address every seizure the fellow has, here on this blog will only make it more about him than anything else. Ad Hominem attacks always compel one to answer, and I’ve had my say.

Heaven knows the fella has a voluminous Nixon-esque list of enemies, so I feel pretty warm and fuzzy knowing that my loggings have drawn notice. The notion that Guise Faux of Radio Paranoia and myself are one and the same, is just icing on the cake.

While I’m certainly not Guise Faux,  the continued blawgings and weak trolling indicate to me that Murphy in the ‘Morning still doesn’t know who Guise is, and that not controlling the narrative of the American Radio Pirate Scene unsettles him, deeply.

Elsewhere “Pat” is hoping to troll me into proclaiming who “really is” Guise, and that’s unlikely to happen. Why?  Because just I don’t know anything about the feller. I don’t really need to.

I can enjoy the pirate scene just fine without stalking the ops, or caring what one Role Playing Bunny thinks of me. From time to time I may post some satire if I feel the Bunny’s put his foot in it, as he regularly does from time to time. He’s done many nastier things to actual friends, so I consider myself lucky to not have to live with the uncertain fear of “Pat” turning on me and giving away my trusted information. Because you can never trust a narcissist, it’s just a rule of nature; you have to agree with and appease them at all times. I can’t imagine what his “friends” actually endure.

PSA: if you’re reading this, and recognize this pattern in your friendship with Commander Bunny, you might be in an abusive relationship. Just sayin’.

Remedy? Seek escape. Oh sure, there’ll be a ragefest and some stalking, but you’ll be free of the fear.

I’ll try to blog more here about my other varied interests but there’s no point in constantly wasting my blogspace by addressing the WTF this fella constantly aspires to.

In Summary: My only regret is that Commander Bunny just doesn’t enjoy the awesomeness of Pirate Radio as much as I do, and for this I am sorry for him.

Dear Ops: be as safe as you can be, and keep on Rockin’ in the Free World.   I’ll be listening!

3 thoughts on “Final thoughts on the WBNY [manufactured] Controversy

  1. Or we’ll get our very own wikipedia section: “List of Persons Claimed to Have Killed Pirate Radio.” With a brief synopsis of our crimes and methods.

    Though, hmm it sounds like perhaps a good article for the HFU wiki….

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