The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

So —  out of nowhere, with no prompting, no mention of this on any pirate boards, Commander Bunny stirs up certain founding members of the FRN over the FCC busts  of last year.

Proclaiming — almost a full year after everyone else moved on — that he's being somehow being unfairly maligned by Poet. That's just rich.

Strange, because everyone else had pretty much moved on.  


Commander Bunny, realizing that there's no such thing as bad publicity,  felt himself fading as the center of controversy.

This Cannot Stand.


Jerry, we know your past as a radio personality means you have FCC contacts. Further, you have some real issues with other ops who dare not operate under your authority, or fail to cow to your de facto status as figurehead of the Blowing League. 

Absurdly, the implication from the FCC busts has been out there since the beginning – but you never bothered addressing it. Why?

Because you relished and enjoyed the attention and the fear that rattled the pirate community.

However,  since Commander Bunny's blog brought it all back up, let's go there, shall we?

(Protip: Jerry, If you post anything on your blog for longer than an hour, google crawls and caches it, you can retract the post all you like, but those of who know how the web works, can easily find your badly spelt, frothy, illiterate, hastily yanked posts.)

A couple things to consider why the pirate community feels the Bunny is actually a Rat: 

  • Pat/Jerry/Commander Bunny has had a wealth of demographic data on many FRN members and Ops, thanks to his past as an FRN administrator, where new members were pressed — via emails from Pat Murphy, many of which I still have, from my own FRN membership.
  • These emails pressed potential members to send their passwords of choice, and mind-numbingly  required a full page background essay on who they are, and what their interest in in becoming an FRN member was, and subject to multiple questions about other members you were afilliated with, and seemingly those reference folks had to be in good standing with Pat to pass muster. or YOU SHALL NOT PASS! 
  • During Pat's era as FRN admin, many naive members have passed their personal details above and beyond anything required for a simple account set up. This was wrong on so many levels —  and Pat knows it —  but we all have seen that Commander Unfunny loves abusing trust and naivete. He kinda feeds on it.
  • The famouse, FAMOUSE (sic) WBNY broadcasts maligning Northern Relay Service, with unfounded, malicious and abjectly libelous accusations. Then, the well-documented BobSmith6955 emails trolling ops, trying to ascertain operating locations.
  • The 'Commander Bunny For President'  Ebay T-shirt Campaign. What better way to collect email addresses, and mailing (think: location) addresses? Paypal protects your CC# — so that's some relief, but it does, necessarily, pair your mailing address with your chosen email address, and shows it to the seller. Remember, too, that Pat's faithfully kept all the FRN correspondence and emails, and can now compare FRN members and where they may actually live, via WBNY T-Shirt Sales. 
  • Compound this, with the fact that statistically,  only folks wanting such memorabilia, are going to be pirate DXers and Ops.  Thus T-Shirt sales, FRN membership applicant inquisitions, various and sundry sockpuppet accounts he's admitted to, Pat's no doubt amassed quite a wealth of information on the Pirate Community. 
  • Then, new ops hit the scene and upset the Blowing League's dominance over pirate radio — because apparently this sandbox is just too small to share — and the Bunny's weak transmitter just isn't getting the wealth of QSL requests the new kids are. O noes, WBNY's relevance is fading!
  • A few months pass, and the new kids in town are sustaining all the attention. Now, the FCC does in fact run hot and cold rounding up pirates, but it's pretty keen that all the busts in question, once published have precise demographic information. Uncanny!
  • Queue the numerous and sundry scalding WBNY blog posts, on the attack, once Poet and Guise Faux start calling him out for cause. 
  • We have random WBNY Stickers show up in DXer's hometowns, reminiscent of "calling cards" (ps: This is KKK country, and "calling cards" are a time-honored tradition. Your subtlety was not missed, Jerry.)  
  • Multiple WBNY blog posts and piss-poor attempts at "doxing": myself, John Poet, Guise Faux, and anyone who dares take a stance against Jerry's malignancy in the community. New Flash, we're all still here.

Jerry: the cumulative, long view of your activities, animosity, doxing and duplicity,  speaks for itself.  FCC Snitching? Merely a grandiose power-play in your long resume of pirate community antagonism. 

You're a pariah that feeds on controversy, and you'd starve to death without it. 

Consider this your daily helping of Troll Chow(tm).


One thought on “The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

  1. Y’know, never let it be said we didn’t give the Lagomurph a chance to recoup some dignity this year after the 2011 insanity. The RP blog took six weeks off between Feb 14 and April Fool’s Day, during which time he ramped up his idiocy without any provocation.

    This whole affair only reinforces what Dr. Benway told us years ago in the Interzone: rabbits are barely tolerable as laboratory test subjects; they ain’t cute, they ain’t cuddly and they ain’t tender until braised in wine sauce for 2 or 3 hours.

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