WBNY, obviously not an abbreviation for Brainy

Ah, this week we find Jerry Graves, aka "Pat Murphy" aka "Michael J. Graves" trolling a hapless DXer with a handy $19 Public Records search. 

The same fellow who clearly has a multiple personality disorder, which he has consistently and proudly displayed across the interwebs –  trolling females who ask about "Mr. Jerry Graves"  on Ancestry.com as "BobSmith6955@yahoo.com", soliciting them to contact him…privately.

Hope that turned out okay for those ladies, I'm sure no dangerous bells went off for them with the "Oh Jerry's a friend of mine, he lives in the mountains now, send me an e-mail…" Sure, mister crazy-guy-on-the-internet. 

Does that pickup schtick still work these days, Jerry? Yeh, I didn't think so.

Alas, Jerry was publically using the same email address as the "Bob Smith" alias who snared himself with the Radio Yellowknife fiasco. Nyuk-Nyuk. More on that here and here: http://goo.gl/VkGXa 

We'll table for now the relatively inconsequential FRN sockpuppets; too numerous to count, and you can't trump Guise Faux's excellent investigative work.

Long term,  looking back at Jerry's postings, puppets and put-ons over at Ancestry.com it's easy to see his own stability is waning.

 Yet, while Commander Bunny won't own up to his stalking tactics, he absolutely recoils from staring down the big kids, who call his bluff. 

Silly Bunny. Before you goad folks on the webs, make certain your closets are clean of your own skeletons, Mmm? 


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