That’s it, Kids. No More Pirate Radio for You!

The Commander Haz Spoken!

No loggings, no QSLs for you, no pirate forums but those that worship at the altar of WBNY:

Per the WBNY Blawg:

1-Anyone exposing someone (even guessing) a Pirates identity or location on a blog or website is to be targeted. Don’t visit their websites or log their stations. Make no public acknowledgement of them.

2-DO NOT LOG on FRN, FRC, or HF Underpants or any blogs or other websites any broadcasts by these Pirate criminals. You can Silently Object to their actions.

3-Tell friends and sympathizers to do the same thing.

4-DO NOT tell the asshats (who you are) or they will twist this up, just like they have everything else to hide their evil deeds and actions. Occupy what they have tried to ruin. Its time to take Pirate radio back!

So, dear WBNY followers, that leaves you one forum, 15 active users who aren’t afraid of Murphy reporting/smearing/ragefesting over them, and what, 3 ops you’re allowed to log?

15 might be aiming a tad high, though; but I assume there’s a few awe-struck lurkers, so 15 it shall be.

You can’t make this crap up!

That’s some hardcore “Free Radio” you got goin’ on there, Bunnyman.


So, I’m Famouse, or something, idk

Some way or ‘nother this fella: is convinced from his blog posts somehow, here:

and here:

That somehow I’m this fella and that I run this site:

What’s perplexing is that This blog has been up for literally years with this page:

That details my work, but kracker’s “friends” haven’t enough access to do much better than actually reference my publically available information.

Meanwhile THIS guy, thinks its a new revelation:

(Note the fella’s enhanced literacy skills.)

Murphy: you and me have never had any direct beef, but you might want to direct your lackeys to hunt elsewhere.

You’ve not bumped into my actual credentials yet, but I can assure you, only in my fondest dreams do I write as well as Guise Faux.

kracker: Son, I am disappoint. You once had FTP credentials on this very domain, to upload a metric shit-ton of pirate shows. Did you forget?

You’ve trolled yourselves. I am who I’ve always been, and have been for years. But hey, thanks for the page hit revenue!

I’m on every social network known to the webs, and there’s very little about me that’s not known, but apparently your people aren’t very thorough.

If you really think I’m “Guise Faux” — you’re going to have to work harder for your milkbone.

Get on that, would ya?